Our Process of Microdispensing

“Sollemnes wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip consequat.”

Fragen, die ggf. zu Content führen

Are the microdispensing solutions suitable for any liquids?
"It is suitable for liquids of a viscosity between 0.5 and 500 milliPas­ccils."
(Quelle: 1993, Product Application Focus, S. 1)
Let's be real: What means smallest droplets? Which drop sizes are possible to handle?
"The obtainable drop sizes range from 5 picoliters to a few nanoliters with up to 10.000 drops per second. Liquids can be dispensed in single or accumulated drops to handle a wide volume range."
(Quelle: 1993, Product Application Focus, S. 1)
Does the very high-speed operation disturb the natural function of the liquids?
"The system proved to be excellently suitable for the handling of biological samples. It did not show any detectable negative im­pact on the biological function of dissolved or suspended molecules or particles."
(Quelle: 1993, Product Application Focus, S. 1)
Which droplet-volumes are possible? And what about the accuracy /size deviation of reproduced droplets?
"droplet volume ranges from a few nanoliters ( 10-3 µI) to as little as 5 pi (5 x 10-6 µI) with a very high reproducibility."
(Quelle: 1993, Product Application Focus, S. 1)
"The drop volume could be shown to vary less than 4% by counting radioactively labeled samples. This corresponds to a maximum size deviation of 75 pl with 1.85 nl droplets and 0.2 pl with the smallest possible drops (5 pl). [...] The accuracy of the pipetting method is more than suffi­cient for molecular biology applications. The smallest drops that can be ejected from the nozzle are only fivefold larger than a bacterial cell and much smaller than eukaryotic cells. When handling these small volumes, a maximum deviation of 4% means 2 x 10-13 I or just 1/5 of a bacterial cell."
(Quelle: 1993, Product Application Focus, S. 5)
Quelle: Wikipedia zu escherichia coli (ein Darmbakterium)
E. coli hat die Form gerader, zylindrischer Stäbchen mit runden Enden. Der Durchmesser beträgt 1,1–1,5 µm und die Länge 2,0–6,0 µm. Sie kommen paarweise oder einzeln vor.
Which production volumes / outputs are possible?
"...permits the release of single droplets from the nozzle as well as "machine gun"-like droplet ejection at frequencies up to 10000 Hz. This makes it possible to pipet larger vol­umes as multiple single droplets." (10.000 Hz = 10.000 ejections per second)
(Quelle: 1993, Product Application Focus, S. 2)
Are the microdispensing solutions suitable for any liquids?
"It is suitable for liquids of a viscosity between 0.5 and 500 milliPas­ccils."
(Quelle: 1993, Product Application Focus, S. 1)
Let's be real: What means smallest droplets? Which drop sizes are possible to handle?
"The obtainable drop sizes range from 5 picoliters to a few nanoliters with up to 10.000 drops per second. Liquids can be dispensed in single or accumulated drops to handle a wide volume range."
(Quelle: 1993, Product Application Focus, S. 1)

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